Saturday, January 31, 2009

Phun with Photos Part 2

Suzanne and Karen asked for the final product; not my best photo, but some cool rocks!
I call it Rocks full of Bowlies

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

By the way; the dog is invisable too!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Fun with Photos

Carly prompts us with Photo Shoot #22: Rocks and Stones

Not only do I enjoy collecting them, I take pictures of them too. Here, my pal T and I are breaking in our new Nikons.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Baracko Bama!

I find it hard to put into words what our recent election means to me. Others around the globe have so adequately expressed many of my sentiments, if not in words, in pictures. This one is from our local paper by Jack Ohman. My friend's four year old grandson puts it well:
"Baracko Bama!"

New Lens on a Perfect Day

I managed these photos last weekend at the beach with my new telephoto lens. The weather was sixty-one degrees and as you can see, blue skies. Caught the gulls in flight and the Red Breasted Nuthatch having breakfast.

Not of This Season

It pays to weed the garden; found this little friend among the roses.

Other sunny shots here.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Booking Through My Life

Find more great prompts here.
This week's pondering is "Since “Inspiration” is (or should) the theme this week … what is your reading inspired by?
Often my inspiration is really driven by where I am - physically: in bed, on vacation, sitting on the pot! I am also driven to read non-fiction when my head needs to be challenged and I pick up something way out of my comfort zone to include science, genetics, philosophy. I usually read fiction in the winter, but I'm pretty picky about the fiction I read. It has to be more than an escape. I want intelligent fiction, which is why historical fiction attracts me. And quite often, I'm inspired to read that which my "mentors" are reading - to learn more, have more fun, or be challenged. I seldom read reviews. Books have a way of finding me. And I always delight in the plethra of childrens' books that out does anything I ever had as a child!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


My pal Terri at Ways I See the World tagged me for this post: Take the 4th photo of the 4th folder in your photo folder and post it.

This is my brother, Sundance holding up a fish I caught.

Friday Fill in #107

FF-ins are so harmless!

1. Enough with the hot flashes !

2. Damn near everything causes me
to be conflicted.

3. I've been craving a new, more comfortable bed.

4. Big hair, TV evangelists make me laugh.

5. I wish I could go to visit my mom next week.

6. Our future has been on my mind lately.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going to the beach house, tomorrow my plans include a long walk on the sand and Sunday, I want to enjoy having Monday off!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Every Day, One Good Thing

I must admit; I didn't even want today to happen. For no particular reason other than I was in a cranky mood that never lifted. Then, I turned on the radio and I hit my knees (again!) Once again, I was reminded that my Monday mornings are among the highest blessings one could ever ask for and if I felt an ounce of the pain that others around the world endures, I'm still one very fortunate individual. Before I got to work, I had offered a prayer of gratefulness and one of compassion. May others know a Day of at least One Good Thing!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

What's My Line?

Here's a teaser I found on LibraryThing; wanna play?

Grab the book closest to you. Now*
Go to page 56.*
Find the 5th sentence and post it along with the name/author*
Don't go looking for your favorite book, or the coolest one you have - just grab the closest one.

Here's mine:

"With her words cold upon my heart, I have come to believe it would serve some purpose - whether personal or historical I cannot say - if I were to set down in my own words the story of how I cam to be a Saint and marry five wives."

from The 19th Wife by David Ebershoff.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Every Day, One Good Book

I love RR's blog Every Day, One Good Thing as it reminds me to take a few moments each day to remind myself of the goodnesses in my life.

This morning it includes two hours in bed with my current novel, The 19th Wife by David Ebershoff. I enjoy the quiet hours of reading that Winter allows. Cuddled up with my cat, Chole, and a hot cup of coffee doesn't get much better on a Saturday morning!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Photo Journeys

The Columbia River Gorge

This photo was taken by Lilly White, one of several photographers whose work is a part of Wild Beauty: Photographs of the Columbia River Gorge, 1867-1957. It seems Lilly led a privileged life, including traveling with her pal, Sarah up and down the Columbia river, taking photographs as members of the Oregon Camera Club. I envy their freedom to make these excursions, but today, I expect they'd envy my digital camera.

Photography was quite an ordeal in 1904 when this picture was "made." Professionals were usually men who were insulted to find Lilly and Sarah tying their boat up along the banks of the "mighty river" which was later memorialized in Woody Guthrie's Roll On Columbia.

The Columbia River has been greatly altered by the dozen of dams built on our behalf (not to mention the lives that were altered - particularly Native Americans' who once fished for salmon at the many falls along its course). This National Scenic Byway still holds tremendous beauty and rich historical journeys.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


I love sushi. No, I really love sushi. It was the best holiday present I received this year and I got to enjoy it yesterday with my partner after we visited Wild Beauty: Photographs of the Columbia River Gorge, 1867-1957 ( -the best gift I gave this year. I love the Gorge as much as I love sushi. Two good things!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Friday Fill-ins #104

Thanks again to Janet for Friday Fill-ins!

1. The world is ready for change.

2. Crap! was the last thing I said while balancing my checkbook.

3. I wonder if I'll find a different job this year.

4. I hope we have peace and tranquility at the end of all things.

5. There's something to be said for forgiving others.

6. July is where I want to be.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to trying a new recipe, tomorrow my plans include a an historical photo exhibit of the Columbia River Gorge and a dinner date over sushi and Sunday, I want to go to my writers' group!